Retirement Plan Administration

We are able to custom-design your retirement plan. Before we set up a plan, we will provide you with an employer/employee allocation and a proposal of the plan we feel will best meet your needs. Our services include:

  • Creating your retirement plan document
  • Applying for a Trust ID
  • Preparing enrollment and ancillary forms related to the plan
  • Preparing the required plan document, adoption agreement (if applicable) and Summary Plan Description
  • Providing on-site orientation for your employees
  • Testing the plan limits for IRS compliance
  • Providing annual employee benefit statements
  • Preparing all necessary IRS filing (Forms 1099R, Form 945 and Form 5500)
  • Preparing financial statements

We will also review your plan annually to ensure that the maximum benefit is available to you and provide you with recommendations for changes if necessary. We outsource plans with more than 100 employees for required audited financial statements. For more information, contact our retirement plan specialist, Gordon Yee at or (425) 451-9697.